Wednesday 30 June 2010

Requested Review - Garofalo Pasta

Specialist Foods sent me a package of Garofalo pasta to try, and to review here, as I'm a bit of a pastaholic.  I put it down to my student days, when I only ate things that were very easy to cook (i.e. pasta), and spent much of my time working in an Italian restaurant.

My package arrived and contained a pack of spaghetti, and a pack of radiatore (right).  Have you seen them?  They're possibly my favourite pasta shape, though one I rarely buy, because they only seem to come in expensive packs.  They're meant to look like car radiator grilles, in the same way that most pasta shapes are meant to look like something, but only really do if you close your eyes a bit and squint.

Well, radiatore they are.  And lovely.  The packaging of both was a good place to start, authentically Italian looking, looking like good quality pasta, classy-like, with a handy resealable sticker on the bag in case you don't use the whole pack in one go.

Easy to cook, and kept their shape well.  That's always my concern with delicate shaped pasta, will it just disintegrate into blobs (messicani, I'm looking at YOU).  Holds a sauce well, because of the shape.  The radiatore are definitely the sort of pasta shapes to use with a creamy sauce, not one with huge lumps of veg or meat.  The grille, and the curve of the back hold the sauce in them, and they taste LUSH.

So there you have it.  Pasta is a good thing.  Go eat some.  Or come round to my house, and I'll make a spag bol.

Disclosure: I was provided with 2 packs of pasta free of charge for the purpose of this review.  I was not told what to write, and all opinions are my own.  Links are provided for your convenience only, I am not a member of any affiliate scheme & will not receive reward for their use.

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