Wednesday 4 August 2010

Breastfeeding Adventure.

Today's adventure was a trip to town, on foot, because my car was in the garage for tyres & brakes.  The trip to town was the dull bit, though we did FINALLY join the library after having lived here for 7 years.  Our library's lovely, by the way, a proper old-fashioned, high ceilinged, parquet floored, Carnegie library.  And it smells just the way a library should - a mixture of varieties of dead tree, polish and booksmell.  (Yes, firefox, that is a real word.)

But the real highlight of our adventure, and the point of my post, was when we went back to the garage.  The car wasn't quite ready, so we sat in the waiting room, where Little Miss Squeaky decided to sing for her lunch.  There was no way around it, she wanted milk, and the only way she was going to get it was from me.  So feed her I did, with a blanket for privacy.  And then persuaded the manager to sign up to the Breastfeeding Welcome scheme.  More businesses for the scheme, more vouchers for me!  And I think it'll be the oddest place included, but I'm more reliant on the car now than I ever was pre-Squeaky.

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