Monday 22 August 2011

The Mystery of the Graco Potty

As a Graco ambassador, I get to try out all sorts of lovely products from Graco.  A little while back, I was asked if there was anything I'd particularly like to try out.  I'd seen a Graco branded potty at my mum's house, and as we're heading towards that wonderful stage, I thought one might come in handy, so I asked, as I hadn't seen anything on their website.

No-one knew anything. The only Graco potty that could be found was a toy one.  Ah well.  But I was still intrigued, because I knew this potty was there.  My mum had been given it by one of my cousins, not sure which, but both the possible suspects have children aged 6-7.

Thought no more of it, until I went visiting my mum this weekend.  I decided to take a couple of photos of the potty to see if I could get to the bottom of the mystery.  Yes. You read that right. I took photos of a potty.  What a glamorous life this blogging lark is.

The back held the answer to all my questions.  The company that own Graco, Rubbermaid, also used to own Curver.  And they sold Curver in 2005.  Both the possible previous owners would have bought their potty in 2004 or 2005.  So, they bought a Graco potty made by Curver, because Graco and Curver were part of the same company at that time.  They're not any more, so no more Graco branded potties.

And so the Mystery Of The Graco Potty was solved.  And I would have gotten away with it if it hadn't been for you meddling kids! (sorry, Scooby moment)

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