Tuesday 21 February 2012

Flip it!

Your pancake! What else? Honestly, some readers! I got a teeny tiny saucepan before Christmas, mostly to cook Squeaky's omelettes in, she does love a good omelette, but when your appetite only runs to a 1 egg omelette, a big frying pan isn't the best starting point. Being an inquisitive child, she came into the kitchen to watch me making pancakes (we had ours yesterday, Daddy's on a late shift tonight), and got quite interested in the tossing aspect of the pancake process. So much so that I decided to make a couple of pancakes in her little frying pan and let her have a try herself.

OK, the tossing didn't quite happen, she just jiggled the pancake back & forth a bit, but really, have you ever seen a child look so proud of herself for holding a frying pan?

What did you have on your pancakes today? We went down the traditional lemon & honey route, because I forgot about the jar of chocolate spread sitting in the kitchen cupboard. Oh well, that'll have to go on toast!

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