Monday 12 March 2012

Smoke-free for Squeaky & Me

I've taken the pledge.  No.  I'm not signing off my love of Mr Pinot & Mr Grigio, that's for another day.  I've taken the pledge to protect Squeaky, and any other children that travel with me, by making sure my car is a smoke-free environment.  I don't smoke, my family don't smoke, but I have friends who do, and I ask that they respect my wishes and the health of my family by not smoking when we're in the car.

Shocking results from a recent British Lung Foundation survey show that over half of children surveyed had been in a car with someone smoking1, which is surprising when only 21% of the UK adult population smoke2. The research also found that 24% of children have been too embarrassed to ask someone to stop smoking in the car, and 9% too frightened to ask3.

Neither of my parents smoked, but I remember being about 6, and saying to my parents "When I grow up, I'm going to smoke, just like Grandad."  I'm shocked just thinking about that now, and while I'm not certain, I have a feeling that sentence was fairly instrumental in my Grandad's decision to give up smoking shortly afterwards.

Since the smoking ban came into force in the UK, it's been illegal to smoke in a work's vehicle, or a personal vehicle while carrying another person for work, in order to protect the health of other adults.  Surely our children's health, and wishes, are equally as important?  That's why I've signed the pledge at Lung UK and why I'm asking you to do so too.

Your children can join the campaign as well, there's a letter template on Lung UK's young campaigners page which they can send to your local MP asking them to join in supporting the pledge.

I don't often get all political on this blog, you're more likely to find me talking about nailpolish, charity shops & kids tv, but this is an issue that's really important to me, and I'd love it if you'd join me.


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